
March 20, 2015. As part of the Life Bonelli Project we had the honour to receive the visit and to listen to one of our leading investigators in applied research on the conservation of endangered species. On March 6, Miguel Delibes de Castro, Doctor in Biology and research scientist of the Doñana Biological Station, gave a lecture in Palma de Mallorca, convened by COFIB, the Agriculture and Environment Departmente of the Foundation Natura Parc.


From left to right: Miguel Delibes de Castro, Neus Lliteras (General Director of Natural Environment of the Balearic Government) and Joan Mayol (Head of Department of the Protection of Species of the Balearic Government).


Miguel Delibes imparte su conferencia junto a Aina, una hembra de águila de Bonelli, de los cetreros ‘Águilas de Mallorca’, que “presidió” el acto.

Más de un centenar de personas, en buena parte procedentes del sector cinegético, acudieron a escuchar a Miguel Delibes.

Como nuevo padrino de LIFE Bonelli, Miguel Delibes muestra la estatuilla de un águila de Bonelli que le entregó Neus Lliteras, directora general de Medio Natural del Gobierno Balear.



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