
As part of the Life Bonelli Project, several improvement measures of the habitat of Bonelli’s Eagles are planned. During 2015, in the municipalities of Lumbier and Gallipienzo (Navarre), these works included the clearing of Mediterranean shrubs in abandoned agricultural plots, the sowing of meadow species and leguminal crops to improve the habitat of hunting species and the construction of a pigeon loft.


Clearing of ticket carried out in territories of Lumbier. Photo A. Llamas


Desbroces y siembras para las especies cinegéticas realizadas en Gallipienzo. Foto I. Oroz.


Palomar construido en el paraje de Egunbelea (Gallipienzo). Fotos I. Oroz y A. Zaldua.

Interior del palomar. Nidales y tolvas de alimentación. Fotos I. Oroz.



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